KREDO learning platform Features banner

Explore Revolutionary Features For All Your Training Needs

Here are the features that will help you master KREDO. These features make KREDO simple, yet powerful.

Creative Authoring

Extended Learning Assets

Powerful Analytics

Custom Reports

Create and manage reports using multiple filters that cut across key data points covering users, courses, learning paths, learning assets, etc..

Detailed Course Report

View detailed information on your course completion statistics, like points gained, time.

My Report

View your unique data in terms of the different courses assigned, when they were completed, the total time spent on each course and total points earned for each course.

Standard Reports

Manage reports based on users, user groups, courses, learning paths and drill-down to granular level views, to understand learning journey outcomes.

Powerful Analytics

KREDO learning platform Powerful Analytics

Custom Reports

Create and manage reports using multiple filters that cut across key data points covering users, courses, learning paths, learning assets, etc..

KREDO learning platform Powerful Analytics 1

Detailed Course Report

View detailed information on your course completion statistics, like points gained, time.

KREDO learning platform Powerful Analytics 3

My Report

View your unique data in terms of the different courses assigned, when they were completed, the total time spent on each course and total points earned for each course.

KREDO learning platform Powerful Analytics 4

Standard Reports

Manage reports based on users, user groups, courses, learning paths and drill-down to granular level views, to understand learning journey outcomes.

Simplified Administration

Quick Go-Live

We ensure quick user onboarding, supporting sample courses (2) creation, with a go-live in 7-10 business days.


Integrate with content aggregators like Go1, O’Reilly, OpenSesame, LinkedIn Learning, meeting platforms like MS Teams, Zoom and HRM systems like Zapier and more.


Be trained on the features and functionality of the platform in 2-3 business days, that includes a detailed coverage of the responsibilities of an Admin, Author, Manager and Learner.

External APIs

Connect with innumerous content aggregators, business intelligence tools, HRM systems, meeting platforms and email clients based on your varying learning needs.


Raise support requests to elicit an SLA-based response, with the ability for an Admin to moderate support request related workflows.

User Management

Create and manage individual users in the platform, by assigning them a platform role, user group, job role, job level, etc., including an option to suspend, delete and change password.

KREDO learning platform Simplified Administration

Course Presets

Create badges and certificates, setup points, decide fonts, enable text-to-speech and the progress bar, switch on the question lock capability, etc., prior to course creation


Create push notifications to drive learner engagement related to user management, awards, badges, certificates, courses, learning paths, assignments, discussions, surveys, etc.

Access Control

Control the access to the platform functionality, driven by permissions based on standard platform roles, which are of an Admin, Author, Manager and Learner.

Learner Home Page

Set-up your brand in the form of your company logo, define custom messages to be viewed upon logging in, create announcements, enable leaderboard view and resources being accessed.

Bulk Upload

Upload multiple new user profiles, invite a cluster of users, all done fast and easy, including a bulk option to suspend, delete and change password for users.

Job Roles and Job Level

Define job roles unique to the designation structure in your organization, clubbed with job levels depicting designation hierarchy that will come into play during the learning journey management.

Simplified Administration


Be trained on the features and functionality of the platform in 2-3 business days, that includes a detailed coverage of the responsibilities of an Admin, Author, Manager and Learner.

Quick Go-Live

We ensure quick user onboarding, supporting sample courses (2) creation, with a go-live in 7-10 business days.


Integrate with content aggregators like Go1, O’Reilly, OpenSesame, LinkedIn Learning, meeting platforms like MS Teams, Zoom and HRM systems like Zapier and more.

Course Presets

Create badges and certificates, setup points, decide fonts, enable text-to-speech and the progress bar, switch on the question lock capability, etc., prior to course creation.


Create push notifications to drive learner engagement related to user management, awards, badges, certificates, courses, learning paths, assignments, discussions, surveys, etc.

Access Control

Control the access to the platform functionality, driven by permissions based on standard platform roles, which are of an Admin, Author, Manager and Learner.

KREDO learning platform Simplified Administration

External APIs

Connect with innumerous content aggregators, business intelligence tools, HRM systems, meeting platforms and email clients based on your varying learning needs.


Raise support requests to elicit an SLA-based response, with the ability for an Admin to moderate support request related workflows.

User Management

Create and manage individual users in the platform, by assigning them a platform role, user group, job role, job level, etc., including an option to suspend, delete and change password.


Learner Home Page

Set-up your brand in the form of your company logo, define custom messages to be viewed upon logging in, create announcements, enable leaderboard view and resources being accessed.

Bulk Upload

Upload multiple new user profiles, invite a cluster of users, all done fast and easy, including a bulk option to suspend, delete and change password for users.

Job Roles and Job Level

Define job roles unique to the designation structure in your organization, clubbed with job levels depicting designation hierarchy that will come into play during the learning journey management.