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Scale your Training Programs with Fast LMS KREDO

Scale your Training Programs with Fast LMS KREDO

Intro Summary

An effective eLearning solution enables organizations to overcome the constraints of time and distance in the training sphere. It helps to train a greater number of learners across the globe in a shorter span of time. In this article, we will cover how fast LMS KREDO empowers businesses, governments, and training institutes to scale their training programs.


What exactly is understood by scaling the training program? Let’s look at a scenario.

A global food and beverage company has operations in nutrition, health, and wellness products. They employ more than a lakh employee worldwide. They have manufacturing units as well as offices in multiple cities. They have huge supply chains, both as a prefix and a suffix. One of the most powerful ways to permeate uniform standards across all verticals, employees, and other stakeholders is through training. James, their training head, is looking for a highly engaging LMS that can become a chassis for the success of their training goals.

Let’s see how an effective learning management system KREDO can help support and scale their training program.

Users and User Groups

KREDO allows organizations to individually add all their learners and categorize them into groups. User groups can be created based on different verticals, roles and responsibilities, internal and external stakeholders, languages, organizational levels, countries, and more. New learners can be added anytime.

Scenario: James efficiently populates the learners’ database by exporting details in bulk from an excel sheet and organizing them into different user groups.

In-built Authoring Tool

KREDO LMS has an in-built authoring tool with 50+ eLearning templates to create courses for learning in the flow of work. The palette of templates helps to cater to varied learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic—the VARK model. Assessment templates gauge the learner’s understanding of the concept while administrators can enhance the learning experience by choosing from various color themes and configurations.

Scenario: Once the learners’ details are in place, James adds SCORM files for various courses and prepares a list of courses that would be created in the LMS.


A large spectrum of learners presents the scope of interaction in various languages. KREDO LMS inbuilt courses can be translated into a wide range of languages.  Localization is the cornerstone of an organization’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I). The Language Selector option in the settings lets the learners choose the preferred language for the course.

Scenario: James intends to translate LMS courses into Spanish, German, and Arabic to start with, and then move to other languages.

Learning Pathways

While an inbuilt authoring tool helps shorten the duration of course creation, learning pathways help the L&D team leap into the future. The learning journey is never-ending, and learning pathways allows one to add courses endlessly.

And it is not just courses- webinars, classrooms, resources, surveys, etc. can be added to the learning pathways. Yes, all these can be created on a single eLearning platform, KREDO. These capabilities support the blend of eLearning and virtual instructor-led training (VILT).

Moreover, there can be multiple customized learning pathways for different users and user groups.

Scenario: James creates multiple learning pathways for different countries, verticals (such as nutrition, health, etc.), and departments. He has scheduled online and offline SME sessions in Classrooms. Likewise, he will use surveys, webinars, etc., to deepen learner engagement for more teams across the world.

Thus, we saw how KREDO LMS makes distance immaterial and manages time efficiently.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are intelligent report analytics, course presets, and wide integrations to help you scale your training programs and deepen engagement.

We train our clients on the features and functionality of the KREDO eLearning platform in 2–3 business days. This includes detailed coverage of the responsibilities of an admin, author, manager, and learner.

The KREDO eLearning Platform is rewriting the chapters of technological evolution in the learning industry. It has won accolades and awards in the past 3 years, including the coveted Brandon Hall Group Gold Award 2023 for excellence in “Best Advance in Learning Technology Implementation”. To explore the KREDO Learning management system, book a free demo or write to us at <>